
TV Review: LOST - SEASON FIVE - 'He's Our You'

Three years no burning buses, you all are back one day.” – Sawyer in LOST “He’s Our You”

I had high hopes for the fifth season of LOST. But it started so convoluted and took so long to get going (in my opinion) that even with a string of interesting, revealing and different episodes (including a trip back to the 70s and everything we want to know about Dharma) we are just now getting to the point where the show is a must watch again. I’m not saying it is as good as the blockbuster fourth season … not yet anyway but we are getting there.

What I liked most about “He’s Our You” was that it was a flashback to the flashbacks of old. Yeah that’s a mouthful. Meaning this week we got a genuine flashback to what happened off the island between the time Sayid (Naveen Andrews) began to work for Ben (Michael Emerson) and when he was escorted onto the plan that carried the Oceanic Six back to the island.

After dispatching a number of people Ben sent him to kill, Sayid kind of got the message that maybe he wasn’t doing the whacks to protect the Oceanic Six but more to further the goals of Ben himself – and Ben, not surprisingly, manipulating him to do it. Something he abandons after he visits Sayid at his Columbian housing project. Next we Sayid giving the warning to Ben that if they meet it again it will end badly for him.
He probably didn’t bank on meeting the 12-year-old version. As yes, back in Dhamaville, Sayid is still a prisoner of the Dharma initiative who are desperate to discover just what he knows about the group and why he was caught in handcuffs in the field outside a Dharma outpost. Information he happily gives up once he’s drugged and told to the tell truth.

Of course, what the Dharma boys get is not nearly what they expect including all about the hatches some of which haven’t even been built yet. He also claims to be from the future.

When that doesn’t sit well with them the Dharma inner sanctum decides to kill Sayid with Sawyer (Josh Holloway) voting to take him out. But before that happens, little Ben Linus creates a flaming bus diversion and sets him free. Something Sayid knew was coming because “That’s why he’s there” having found his purpose for returning … kill Ben before he can grow up and destroy Dharma and ruin the lives of the Oceanic survivors.

