
farscape Seasons

Thanks to the ongoing dedication of those fans, Devil's Due Publishing has inked a deal with CBS Consumer Products to continue the story of Jericho in comic book format. Both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel have had amazing success publishing their new "seasons" in the comic book medium. More recently, Sci Fi's Farscape launched a comic continuation of its own, while many other properties are telling original tales in comics (Eureka, Supernatural and Fringe come to mind). But with Jericho being far less sci-fi/fantasy in its presentation, it'll be interesting to see if its fans follow it to this new medium.Considering Jericho was popular with demographics not normally associated with comics, I'm not sure how big a response there will be. And sorry, ladies, but you'll have to settle for line drawings of Skeet Ulrich. While Dan Schotz, Co-Executive Producer of Jericho says that it was fan enthusiasm that drove them "to find new and fresh ways to tell the Jericho story ... we are so thrilled about this comic book series and the endless possibilities for the future of Jericho," nowhere does he mention what this might mean for the proposed Jericho feature film,first mentioned earlier this year.

