
Preview of 'Smallville' Season 8 Finale: Doomsday

Through the just-released preview, Clark finally comes to knowledge of what he has to do in the final battle against Doomsday. The season finale of "Smallville" airs May 14, bringing back one of the Legionnaires as well as other Justice Leaguers.

Oliver tells Clark he must kill Davis, as Doomsday is a serious threat and must be stopped at all costs. However, Clark struggles with taking a human life, so the Green Arrow and his team decide to take matters into their own hands. Lois takes on Tess, but the fight takes a shocking turn. Meanwhile, Chloe gets caught in the middle of Oliver and Clark's battle over killing Davis.

Based on some scoops released in prior weeks, the members of Justice League that will assist Clark in defeating Doomsday are Bart Allen aka Impulse, and Dinah Lance aka Black Canary. While the Legionnaire that returns is reportedly Rokk Krinn aka Cosmic Boy.

"Smallville" has been picked up for a ninth season. Co-executive producer Brian W. Peterson said that they have had some preparations on who will be back in the new season. He said, "We introduced several this year that we'll probably bring back next year. We loved Zatanna. We looked at a few others that we want to introduce, but we're going to wait for Comic-Con to release all that."

